Recently I’ve been making a tool that helps check to see if certain files are code signed properly. On MacOS, you use codesign on the command line, and on Windows you use their own signtool.exe. I wrapped both functionalities in an app built with the Electron framework so I can create a platform-agnostic codebase. The GUI component is built using bootstrap since I didn’t really want to spend a ton of time on it.

After I had built a usable 1.0 version of the application, I started running it on random .app files on my computer. Lots of apps seemed to be signed properly, but one thing did catch my eye. When running Google through my tool, I received the following result:

Google resource envelope is obsolete (custom omit rules)

That’s.. weird. I’ve never seen that output before, usually when something is unsigned, a different error will be outputted.

Maybe I messed something up? So I re-downloaded chrome. I ran the tool on the .dmg file and it looked good but once again on the .app, it gave me the same error. Alright, time to go google (ha!) this to find out what it is I’m seeing. What I found is this post. Interesting, so google is using a “version 1” signature? I don’t know enough about this topic to say that this is a huge issue but it is a little concerning.

Just some food for thought.

